Skilled Construction Accident Attorneys in St. George, Utah

At Swenson & Shelley Law, our personal injury lawyers in St. George know Utah workers, contractors, and the public can all be injured in construction accidents due to the inherently hazardous nature of construction sites, where heavy machinery, elevated structures, and large volumes of materials are constantly in use.

Workers and contractors face risks from falls, equipment malfunctions, exposure to dangerous substances, or insufficient safety protocols. Meanwhile, members of the public may be injured if they are near construction zones, where debris, improperly secured barriers, or moving vehicles can pose serious dangers. The combination of high-risk activities and potential lapses in safety measures makes construction sites dangerous for anyone in or around them.

Our Washington County construction accident attorneys also know that depending on the circumstances, how the injuries or fatalities occurred, and to whom, liability can shift to different or even multiple parties.

Generally, under Utah’s workers’ compensation laws, employees are barred from suing their employers for workplace injuries. Workers’ compensation provides benefits for medical expenses, lost wages, and disability without requiring the employee to prove fault, but in return, it limits the ability to file a lawsuit against the employer.

However, there are exceptions where an employer can be sued, such as if the employer’s intentional misconduct or gross negligence directly caused the injury. Additionally, if a third party, including equipment manufacturers or subcontractors, contributed to the accident, you may have grounds to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against them. We can help determine your situation’s best action, starting with a free consultation.

When the Worst Has Happened, We Fight for What’s Best for You.

Construction Accidents Law in St. George

What are the Most Common Types of Construction Accidents in St. George, Utah?

Like in many other areas, construction accidents can arise from various hazardous conditions on St. George, Utah job sites.

The most common types of construction accidents include:

  • Falls from Heights: Workers often perform tasks on scaffolding, ladders, or elevated structures, making falls one of the leading causes of injuries.
  • Struck by Objects: Falling tools, building materials, or debris can seriously injure workers or bystanders.
  • Electrocutions: Contact with live electrical wires, faulty wiring, or exposed electrical components can lead to severe injuries or fatalities.
  • Caught-In/Between Accidents: Workers can become trapped between heavy machinery, equipment, or collapsing structures, leading to crushing injuries.
  • Machinery Accidents: Heavy equipment such as forklifts, cranes, or bulldozers can cause injuries due to operator error, mechanical failure, or improper use.
  • Slips and Falls: Slippery surfaces, loose materials, and uneven ground contribute to many slip-and-fall accidents on construction sites.
  • Explosions or Fires: Hazardous chemicals, gas leaks, or flammable materials increase the risk of fires or explosions.

These accidents highlight the importance of strict safety protocols and regular site inspections to minimize risks on construction sites. When negligence is a factor, workers and the general public can get hurt or even tragically lose their lives in construction accidents. When they do, we are here to help the injured and families who have lost their loved ones and hold the liable parties accountable. Contact our skilled St. George construction accident attorneys today for help.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Construction Accidents, Injuries, and Fatalities in St. George, Utah?

Depending on the circumstances of the incident, several parties may be held liable for construction accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

The potential parties that could bear responsibility include, but are not limited to:

  • Construction Company or Employer: The construction company is often responsible for ensuring the safety of its workers by following safety regulations, providing proper training, and maintaining equipment. If the company fails in these duties, it could be held liable.
  • General Contractors and Subcontractors: General contractors and subcontractors are responsible for the overall safety and coordination of the site. They may be liable for accidents if they fail to manage risks or enforce safety protocols.
  • Property Owners: In some cases, the property owner can be held responsible if unsafe conditions on their land contributed to the accident, especially if they had control over the site.
  • Equipment Manufacturers: If faulty or defective equipment caused the accident, the manufacturer or distributor of the machinery or tools can be held liable under product liability laws.
  • Architects and Engineers: If a design flaw or engineering error contributed to the unsafe conditions on the construction site, architects or engineers involved in the project could be held accountable.
  • Third-Party Vendors: Companies responsible for providing materials, equipment, or services to the site may share liability if their negligence or failure to meet safety standards contributed to the accident.
  • Workers or Other Employees: While workers typically can’t be sued directly by coworkers due to workers’ compensation protections, there may be situations where an employee’s gross negligence or intentional misconduct could factor into liability.

Liability in construction accidents can be complex, often requiring a thorough investigation to identify all responsible parties and their level of involvement. This is why we are here.

Our compassionate lawyers and support staff do more than hear the details of your case during our free consultations. We listen to how your personal injury incident has impacted your daily activities and overall quality of life, starting with a free consultation.

We Also Focus on the Following Areas in St. George:

Contact Our Skilled Construction Accident Attorneys in St. George, Utah

Call us today at (435)-228-7647 or contact us online to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. During this consultation, you can learn immediately whether your claim is eligible for legal action.

We do not charge any fees upfront for our services. Instead, you pay us only if we secure payment for you. That makes getting legal help accessible and allows you to focus on your recovery. Contact us now to learn more.

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