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Statistics for Slip and Fall Accidents

The number of slip and fall victims each year, as well as the many injuries they suffer, are quite startling. The statistics for slip and fall accidents include injuries from many different places. From employees hurt at work, to customers injured while patronizing a business, the statistics take a sweeping look at all the people who suffer from these accidents each year. It is evident that slips and falls are extremely common, and injuries suffered can be extreme. These statistics provide a look into the devastation of slip and fall accidents throughout the year.

Statistics for Slip and Fall Accidents

  • Falls are the number one cause of accidental injury
  • Slips and falls account for nearly one million emergency room visits each year
  • Women are more likely to suffer a slip and fall injury than men
  • Slips and falls are the leading cause of workers compensation claims
  • In 2015, 15,000 people over the age of 65 suffered a fatality from a fall

Statistics for Slip and Fall Accidents | Common Injuries

As mentioned, these accidents are sometimes severe and can lead to missed time at work which makes it harder for you to pay any medical bills that are coming your way. Here are the most common slip and fall injuries that we see in our clients:

  • Broken bones
  • Fractures
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bruising
  • Concussion
  • Dislocation

If you have been seriously injured in a slip and fall incident, you should not hesitate to call our office for a free consultation. Our Utah slip and fall lawyers will be your strong, dedicated, and experienced guide through this legal situation.

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Kevin Swenson was raised in Bountiful, Utah, and is a co-founding partner of Swenson & Shelley. After graduating from Bountiful High School, Kevin attended business school at Westminster College.
